Visibility for women making a creative return

Creative Equals, the organisation championing diversity in the creative industries, chose Visible to lead the PR for an industry-first full creative ‘Returners’ programme for 2019. Backed by a grant from the Government Equalities Office, Creative Equals ran the two-week programme from March 4-14 2019, (International Women’s Week), for 50 women returners with the aim of placing significant numbers into roles.

 Visible led the media campaign to encourage women to sign up to the bootcamp and get media owners and agencies to support the initiative. A six-month awareness campaign focused on the need for the campaign, its core messages and drumbeat of announcements including key sponsor Diageo signing up. We brought to life the human interest stories of the women returners and founder Ali Hanan’s passion for the cause. This helped shine a light on the challenge of taking a career break and the need for cultural change in the advertising industry.


We achieved more than 30 pieces of unique coverage with stand out coverage in media and design titles as well as CE breaking through into the national media. Coverage included the Guardian, e-consultancy, Campaign, the Drum, Little Black Book, Design Week. The campaign gained so much interest there was four times as many entrants as places and 40 supporting brands and agency partners. As a result of the unprecedented interest CE had to create more interest for the campaign. According to Ali Hanan, founder of Creative Equals in LBB Online: “We worked with an amazing PR company, Visible PR. Thankyou for making our campaign fly!”


pieces of unique coverage in
media and design titles


incl. The Guardian, Campaign,
the Drum, Little Black Book
& Design Week


as many entrants as there were places… all thanks to PR!

